Leather gay bars in las vegas

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There is a Red Room offering lap dances, but the prices seem to jump up 50% off the 'dance menu' once you are in there. Mixers are extra-coke, juices, ice (not kidding). Drinks are advertised for 5 dollars, but they're 10-15 when you get there. their facebook posts 10-11PM, but was 9-10 when you get there-that kind of stuff). Secrets offers countless 'open bars' with free premium drinks to get you in, but seem to be a moveable feast in terms of days and times (i.e.

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However, everything has a price and based on classic bait and switch.

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There are some sexy performers here and refreshingly one of the only gay venues in Vegas you won't get gum on your pants if you sit down.

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This former strip club has resurfaced as a gay bar/cabaret in its seemingly last hurrah to stay open.

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